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Background: Since 2000 I am diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis for which I am treated in MCRZ Hospital Rotterdam.In 2005 I was a participant in an exercise therapy also known as RAPIT (RA Patients In Training). I learned from that therapy that not only physical but also mentally I felt much better. It did not cure my RA, but my well-being was better than before.Since 2006 I am active as a volunteer for the Reumatology Department at MCRZ and therefore I was asked to be a participant in the organization of ''Rheumatism in Motion'' fitting in World Arthritis Day.Objectives: Because of my participation at the RAPIT, that was developed by LUMC, Leiden I experienced that I am still able to do exercises. The fear of moving/sporting, which I also saw with my fellow sportsmen and -women, had to be overcome before we could do something about our physical condition.The exercises were functional in daily life. The training was for a group of 10 people, attended by 2 Physiotherapists during one year. We were tested before, after six months and at the end of that year. The results were positive. Especially the well being improved with all the participants.Methods: Being a volunteer I was asked to be a member of the organization committee of ''Rheumatism in Motion''. We decided to pinpoint our patients to sports.The organization committee decided to invite all patients of Reumatology to join us in a local sports ground on Friday 12th of October 2007. We also invited the local Reumatology Patients Associations to represent themselves, as well as the pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. In cooperation and agreement with the Physiotherapists and Rheumatologists we looked for suitable sport activities as Nordic Walking, Tai Chi, Dance, Volleyball etc. and organized demonstrations and workshops, as well as a workshop for the RAPIT.The patients were invited to participate and look for possibilities instead of limitations.Afterwards we interviewed 136 persons and asked them about their thoughts about the sports, as well as asking them if they want to join WAD every year.Results: As I mentioned before, my own experiences are very positive, but also my fellow sportmen and -women were enthusiastic. After interviewing 136 persons, a part of the patients that joined us at ''Rheumatism Motion Day'' I concluded that the results were amazing. 7 Persons joined a sport club, 28 persons will do so in the near future, 26 persons were already an active member of a sport club and 65 persons admitted that, because of joining ''Rheumatism in Motion Day'' they now exercise more on a daily bases, but did not join a sport club because of the finance.Conclusion: I totally agree with Mrs. Dr. A.E.A.M Weel, Rheumatologist at MCRZ, who in an interview in magazine ''In Beweging'' of September 2007 refers at the research of TNO that showed that 40% of the people diagnosed with a Rheumatic disease had a poor physical condition with little and poor exercise.To go to the sport club or discipline themselves to do more exercises is something that has to do with patient's own responsibility. The doctors can only support them and give them some suggestions. More and more people will be diagnosed with Rheumatic diseases because of increasing age. Therefore I think it is the responsibility of the society to make sure that everyone can join a sport club and we have to realise (as a community) that it is an investment in the future.References: K. Beentjes, Groots beweeg evenement in Rotterdam voor patiënten en hun partners, In Beweging, 2007, okt:10-11A.E.A.M. Weel, Wereldreumadag Medisch Centrum Rijnmond Zuid, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Reumatologie, 2007, 4:56-58Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 67, supplement II, year 2008, page 685Session: Patient support and education

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