
A program for screening and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with chronic arthritis: 2-year results

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G. Albert-Espi, N. Martinez-Alberola, R. Martin-Domenech, C. Fernandez-Carballido, T. Pedraz-Penalva, F. SiveraDpt Reumatology, Hospital General Uiversitario De Elda, Elda, Spain  Objectives: Assess the efficacy of a program for the screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in patients with chronic arthritis at 2 year follow-up. Methods: Longitudinal and prospective study of patients included in a program aimed at the screening and improvement of the management of CVRF. Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spondyloarthritis (SpA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) were included in the program. In the baseline and follow-up visits, CVRF were recorded, as was their treatment and whether treatment targets were achieved. SCORE index was calculated and modified according to recommendations. Tailored education was performed by the nurse and (if needed) referral to the rheumatologist or GP was performed for CVRF drug treatment. For this analysis, we selected patients who completed baseline assessment and the 2 year follow-up. Prevalence and degree of control of CVRF were compared at both time points. Results: Out of a total of 416 patients included in the program, 123 have completed both the baseline visit and the 2 year follow-up: 79 (64%) women with a mean age of 59.3±10 years. Patients with RA (n=85), SpA (n=14) and PsA (n=24) were included. BASELINE 2 YEAR FOLLOW UP N (%) Poor control N (%) N (%) Poor control N (%) DM 14 (11%) 4 (3%) 14 (11%) 4 (3%) Hypertension 77 (63%) 54 (44%) 84 (68%) 42 (34%) Hypercholesterolemia (CT>220 mg/dL) 66 (54%) 37 (31%) 83 (67%)* 20 (16%)* Smoker 28 (23%) --- 20 (16%) --- Obesity (BMI>30) 47 (38%) --- 45 (37%) ---- CV events 6 (5%) ---- 6 (5%) ----- *p<0.05 comparison baseline – 2 year follow-up The mean modified SCORE index was 4.6±4 at baseline and 4.6±4 at follow-up. Risk stratification (according to European guidelines) was 73 patients with intermediate risk, 20 with high risk and 20 with very high risk. Meanwhile, at 2 year follow-up, 74 patients showed an intermediate risk, 25 a high risk and 19 a very high risk. Conclusions: A specific program aimed at detecting CVRF increases the proportion of patients with a CVRF diagnosis. However, it is also associated with an increase rate of well-controlled hypercholesterolemic patients, with a trend observed in hypertensive patients and smokers. In case the improvement in CVRF control is confirmed, programs such as this could improve the CV prognosis of patients with chronic arthritis. Disclosure of Interest: None declared DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.5301 Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 77, supplement Suppl, year 2018, page A297Session: Rheumatoid arthritis – comorbidity and clinical aspects

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