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Background: The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) individually and collaboratively have produced/recommended diagnostic classification, response and functional status criteria for a range of different rheumatic diseases. While there are a number of different resources available for performing these calculations individually, currently there are no tools available that we are aware of to easily calculate these values for whole patient cohorts. Objectives: To develop a new software tool, which will enable both data analysts and also researchers and clinicians without programming skills to calculate ACR/EULAR related measures for a number of different rheumatic diseases. Methods: Criteria that had been developed by ACR and/or EULAR that had been approved for the diagnostic classification, measurement of treatment response and functional status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis were identified. Methods were created using the R programming language to allow the calculation of these criteria, which were incorporated into an R package. Additionally, an R/Shiny web application was developed to enable the calculations to be performed via a web browser using data presented as CSV or Microsoft Excel files. Results: acreular is a freely available, open source R package (downloadable from https://github.com/fragla/acreular ) that facilitates the calculation of ACR/EULAR related RA measures for whole patient cohorts. Measures, such as the ACR/EULAR (2010) RA classification criteria, can be determined using precalculated values for each component (small/large joint counts, duration in days, normal/abnormal acute-phase reactants, negative/low/high serology classification) or by providing “raw” data (small/large joint counts, onset/assessment dates, ESR/CRP and CCP/RF laboratory values). Other measures, including EULAR response and ACR20/50/70 response, can also be calculated by providing the required information. The accompanying web application is included as part of the R package but is also externally hosted at https://fragla.shinyapps.io/shiny-acreular . This enables researchers and clinicians without any programming skills to easily calculate these measures by uploading either a Microsoft Excel or CSV file containing their data. Furthermore, the web application allows the incorporation of additional study covariates, enabling the automatic calculation of multigroup comparative statistics and the visualisation of the data through a number of different plots, both of which can be downloaded. Figure 1. The Data tab following the upload of data. Criteria are calculated by the selecting the appropriate checkbox. Figure 2. A density plot of DAS28 scores grouped by ACR/EULAR 2010 RA classification. Statistical analysis has been performed and shows a significant difference in DAS28 score between the two groups. Conclusion: The acreular R package facilitates the easy calculation of ACR/EULAR RA related disease measures for whole patient cohorts. Calculations can be performed either from within R or by using the accompanying web application, which also enables the graphical visualisation of data and the calculation of comparative statistics. We plan to further develop the package by adding additional RA related criteria and by adding ACR/EULAR related measures for other rheumatic disorders. Disclosure of Interests: Fraser Morton: None declared, Jagtar Nijjar Shareholder of: GlaxoSmithKline plc, Consultant of: Janssen Pharmaceuticals UK, Employee of: GlaxoSmithKline plc, Paid instructor for: Janssen Pharmaceuticals UK, Speakers bureau: Janssen Pharmaceuticals UK, AbbVie, Carl Goodyear: None declared, Duncan Porter: None declared Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 79, supplement 1, year 2020, page 1401Session: Rheumatoid arthritis - prognosis, predictors and outcome (Abstracts Accepted for Publication)

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