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P. Brito-Zerόn, N. Acar-Denizli, M. Zeher, A. Rasmussen, R. Seror, T. Mandl, X. Li, C. Baldini, J.-E. Gottenberg, D. Danda, R. Priori, L. Quartuccio, G. Hernandez-Molina, A.A. Kruize, S.-H. Park, M. Kvarnström, S. Praprotnik, D. Sene, E. Bartoloni, R. Solans, Y. Suzuki, D. Isenberg, M. Rischmueller, G. Nordmark, G. Fraile, A. Sebastian, A. Vissink, T. Nakamura, V. Valim, R. Giacomelli, V. Devauchelle-Pensec, B. Hofauer, M. Bombardieri, V. Trevisani, D. Hammenfors, S.E. Carsons, S.G. Pasoto, J. Morel, S. Retamozo, T.A. Gheita, F. Atzeni, C. Vollenveider, X. Mariette, M. Ramos-Casals, on behalf of the EULAR-SS Task Force Big Data ConsortiumHosp CIMA-Sanitas Hosp Clínic, Barcelona, Spain Msgsü, Istanbul, Turkey Univ, Debrecen, Hungary OMRF, Oklahoma, United States Univ Paris Sud, Paris, France Lund Univ, Malmö, Sweden Anhui Hosp, Hefei, China Univ, Pisa, Italy Univ, Strasbourg, France CMC, Vellore, India Sapienza Univ, Rome Santa Maria, Udine, Italy INCMNSZ, México City, Mexico UMC, Utrecht, Netherlands Catholic Univ Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic Of Karolinska Instit, Stockholm, Sweden UMCL, Ljubljana, Slovenia Lariboisière Hosp, Paris, France Univ, Perugia, Italy Hosp Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain Univ Hosp, Kanazawa, Japan UCL, London, United Kingdom TQEH, Adelaide, Australia Univ, Uppsala, Sweden Hosp Ramόn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain Med Hosp, Wroclaw, Poland Univ, Groningen, Netherlands Univ, Nagasaki, Japan UFES, Vitόria, Brazil Univ, L'Aquila, Italy Univ, Brest, France TUM, München, Germany QMUL, London, United Kingdom UNIFESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Haukeland Hosp, Bergen, Norway School Med SBU, Mineola, United States USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Univ, Montpellier, France INICSA, Cordoba, Argentina Univ, Cairo, Egypt L.Sacco Univ, Milan, Italy German Hosp, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaObjectives: Baseline characterization of European patients diagnosed with primary Sjögren syndrome (SS) according to the 2002 AE criteria. Methods: The Big Data Sjögren Project was formed in 2014 to take a “high-definition” picture of the main features of primary SS by merging international SS databases. International experts of the EULAR-SS Task Force were invited to participate. By January 2017, the database included 9302 consecutive patients recruited from 21 countries of the 5 continents. Results: A total of 6586 (71%) patients were included from European countries. In comparison with non-European countries, European patients had a higher mean age (54 v 51yrs, p<0.001), higher frequency of men (7% v 5%, p=0.001), dry eyes (94% vs 88%, p<0.001), dry mouth (94% vs 91%, p<0.001), and lower frequency of abnormal ocular (84 vs 86%, p=0.049) and oral (75 vs 81%, p<0.001) tests. Immunologically, European patients had a lower frequency of anti-Ro/La antibodies (69 vs 78%, p<0.001) and a higher frequency of RF (50 vs 47%, p=0.01), low C4 (14 vs 9%, p<0.001) and cryoglobulins (8% vs 3%, p<0.001). Logistic regression identified as independent variables older age (OR 1.02), male gender (OR 2.62), abnormal oral tests (OR 0.26), anti-Ro/La antibodies (OR 0.69), RF (OR 1.76), low C4 (OR 1.97) and cryoglobulins (OR 3.85). Conclusions: European patients are diagnosed at older age, are more frequently men, and presented a lower frequency of anti-Ro/La antibodies and a higher frequency of immunological markers related to mixed cryoglobulinemia. Disclosure of Interest: None declared DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.3502Citation: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, volume 76, supplement 2, year 2017, page 886Session: SLE, Sjögren's and APS - clinical aspects (other than treatment) (Poster Presentations )

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Hosp CIMA-Sanitas
Univ, Pisa, Italy
Univ, Cairo, Egypt