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M. Oztas, G. Ayan, E. Bilgin, E. C. Bolek, U. İlgenIstanbul Research and Training Hospital, Rheumatology, Istanbul, Turkey Hacettepe University, Department of Rheumatology, Ankara, Turkey Kars State Hospital, Rheumatology, Kars, Turkey Tatvan State Hospital, Rheumatology, Bitlis, Turkey  Background EULAR (European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology) has various educational and research offerings for physicians working in rheumatology. Emerging EULAR Network (EMEUNET) aims to address educational needs and promote the research interests of aspiring young academics. A considerable number of young physician work or train in rheumatology in Turkey. Objectives To assess the awareness of the educational and research offerings of EULAR and EMEUNET among young rheumatologists working in Turkey. Methods We sent an e-mail to rheumatology trainees and consultant rheumatologists below the age of 40 years. We surveyed the general information about the offerings of the EULAR School of Rheumatology and EMEUNET. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results The response rate of 61% (116/190) was obtained. A slightly over half of the respondents were female (n=62,53.5%). Most of the respondents (n=75, 65%) were rheumatology fellows in training, and the remaining respondents were consultant rheumatologists. EULAR School of Rheumatology courses and EULAR research webinar series were well known (74% and 59%, respectively) among the participants (Table 1). However, less than half of the respondents who were aware of these events attended to a course or a research webinar previously (37.5% and 43%, respectively). The major obstacles to participation in these events were lack of enough time due to the clinical duties (50%) and language barrier (35%). Only 14% and 25% of the respondents were aware of the EULAR research consultation service and the EULAR scientific grant. 76 (65%) participants were aware of EMEUNET while only 13 (17%) of them were attended an EMEUNET event previously. Conclusion Educational offerings of EULAR and EMEUNET were well known by the young rheumatologists in Turkey. However, participation rate was not satisfactory. Majority of the respondents were unaware of the EULAR research offerings. Conducting a survey across Europe could show the main obstacles in a larger scale, thereby it helps to disseminate further offerings among young rheumatologists. Table 1. Participants’ responses to each question Variable n(%) Have you ever heard about EULAR School of rheumatology courses? 116 Yes 86 (74) No 30 (26) Have you ever attended a EULAR School of rheumatology course? 80 Yes 30 (37.5) No 50 (62.5) Have you ever heard about the EULAR research webinar series? 116 Yes 68 (59) No 48 (41) Have you ever attended a EULAR research webinar? 68 Yes 29 (43) No 39 (57) Have you ever heard about the EULAR research consultation service? 116 Yes 16 (14) No 100 (86) Have you ever heard about the EULAR scientific grant for young fellows? 116 Yes 29 (25) No 87 (75) Have you ever heard about the EMEUNET organization? 116 Yes 76 (65) No 40 (35) Have you ever attended an EMEUNET event before? 76 Yes 13 (17) No 63 (83) REFERENCES: NIL. Acknowledgements: NIL. Disclosure of Interests None Declared. Keywords: Education DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2023-eular.2957Citation: , volume 82, supplement 1, year 2023, page 2091Session: Education (Publication only)

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