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B.A. EsbensenRigshospitalet - Glostrup, COPECARE, Centre for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases & Research Unit, Glostrup University of Copenhagen, Department of Clinical Medicine, Copenhagen, DenmarkPhysical activity (PA) has been recommended as an essential part of the non-pharmacological management of inflammatory arthritis (IA). Among others, positive health effects of PA in IA have been demonstrated as improved cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, mobility, physical functioning and quality of life. Also a reduction in disease activity, pain, fatigue and stiffness has been proved. While studies reveal inconsistent results on whether persons with IA are more or less physically active than their healthy counterparts, it has repeatedly been argued that people with IA engage in less PA at the higher intensities (moderate and vigorous) compared to healthy populations. Through previous qualitative research it has been suggested that men with IA, besides describing PA as an important strategy to manage their arthritis, also view engagement in PA an essential part of being a man. Thus, it could be argued that interventions or offers based on PA could be received as a legitimate form of health promoting activity responding to meet masculinity in needs and preferences among male patients with IA. Data from two qualitative studies focusing on men with IA will be presented as well as data from a cross-sectional study investigating physical activity behaviour, motivations, barriers and preferences for PA in men with IA. Disclosure of Interest: None declared DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-eular.6300Citation: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, volume 75, supplement 2, year 2016, page 21Session: “Fewer words - more action” - tailored care for men with rheumatic diseases? (Speaker Presentations )

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