
DailyMed Label: Quinidine Sulfate

Document type
DailyMed Prescription
Generic name
quinidine sulfate tablet
Product information
NDC: 42806-513
Product information
NDC: 42806-513
Product information
NDC: 42806-512
Product information
NDC: 42806-512
Quinidine is an antimalarial schizonticide and an antiarrhythmic agent with class 1A activity; it is the d-isomer of quinine, and its molecular weight is 324.43. Quinidine sulfate is the sulfate salt of quinidine; its chemical name is cinchonan-9-ol, 6’- methoxy-, (9S)-, sulfate (2:1) dihydrate; its structural formula is: Its molecular formula is: C 40 H 48 N 4 O 4 ∙H 2 SO 4 ∙2H 2 O; and its molecular weight is 782.96, of which 82.9% is quinidine base. Quinidine sulfate occurs as fine needle-like, white crystals, frequently cohering in masses, or fine, white powder. It is odorless, has a very bitter taste, and darkens on exposure to light. It is slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol and in chloroform, and insoluble in ether. Each tablet, for oral administration, contains 200 mg of quinidine sulfate (equivalent to 166 mg of quinidine base) 300 mg of quinidine sulfate (equivalent to 249 mg of quinidine base). In addition, each tablet contains the following inactive ingredients: confectioner’s sugar, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, pregelatinized starch and zinc stearate. structure-formula.jpg
In patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation/flutter whose symptoms are not adequately controlled by measures that reduce the rate of ventricular response, quinidine sulfate is indicated as a means of restoring normal sinus rhythm. If this use of quinidine sulfate does not restore sinus rhythm within a reasonable time (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ), then quinidine sulfate should be discontinued. Chronic therapy with quinidine sulfate is indicated for some patients at high risk of symptomatic atrial fibrillation/flutter, generally patients who have had previous episodes of atrial fibrillation/flutter that were so frequent and poorly tolerated as to outweigh, in the judgement of the physician and the patient, the risks of prophylactic therapy with quinidine sulfate. The increased risk of death should specifically be considered. Quinidine sulfate should be used only after alternative measures ( e.g., use of other drugs to control the ventricular rate) have been found to be inadequate. In patients with histories of frequent symptomatic episodes of atrial fibrillation/flutter, the goal of therapy should be an increase in the average time between episodes. In most patients, the tachyarrhythmia will recur during therapy, and a single recurrence should not be interpreted as therapeutic failure. Quinidine sulfate is also indicated for the suppression of recurrent documented ventricular arrhythmias, such as sustained ventricular tachycardia, that in the judgement of the physician are lifethreatening. Because of the proarrhythmic effects of quinidine, its use with ventricular arrhythmias of lesser severity is generally not recommended, and treatment of patients with asymptomatic ventricular premature contractions should be avoided. Where possible, therapy should be guided by the results of programmed electrical stimulation and/or Holter monitoring with exercise. Antiarrhythmic drugs (including quinidine sulfate) have not been shown to enhance survival in patients with ventricular arrhythmias. Quinidine sulfate is also indicated in the treatment of life-threatening Plasmodium falciparum malaria .
Quinidine sulfate tablets are used in one of the approved regimens for the treatment of life-threatening P. falciparum malaria. The central component of the regimen is Quinidine Gluconate Injection, and the regimen is described in the package insert of Quinidine Gluconate Injection. Especially in patients with known structural heart disease or other risk factors for toxicity, initiation or dose-adjustment of treatment with quinidine sulfate should generally be performed in a setting where facilities and personnel for monitoring and resuscitation are continuously available. Patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation/flutter should be treated with quinidine sulfate only after ventricular rate control (e.g., with digitalis or β-blockers) has failed to provide satisfactory control of symptoms. Adequate trials have not identified an optimal regimen of quinidine sulfate for conversion of atrial fibrillation/flutter to sinus rhythm. In one reported regimen, the patient first receives two tablets (400 mg; 332 mg of quinidine base) of quinidine sulfate every six hours. If this regimen has not resulted in conversion after 4 or 5 doses, then the dose is cautiously increased. If, at any point during administration, the QRS complex widens to 130% of its pre-treatment duration; the QT C interval widens to 130% of its pre-treatment duration and is then longer than 500 ms; P waves disappear; or the patient develops significant tachycardia, symptomatic bradycardia, or hypotension, then quinidine sulfate is discontinued, and other means of conversion (e.g., direct-current cardioversion) are considered. In a patient with a history of frequent symptomatic episodes of atrial fibrillation/flutter, the goal of therapy with quinidine sulfate should be an increase in the average time between episodes. In most patients, the tachyarrhythmia will recur during therapy with quinidine sulfate, and a single recurrence should not be interpreted as therapeutic failure. Especially in patients with known structural heart disease or other risk factors for toxicity, initiation or dose-adjustment of treatment with quinidine sulfate should generally be performed in a setting where facilities and personnel for monitoring and resuscitation are continuously available. Monitoring should be continued for two or three days after initiation of the regimen on which the patient will be discharged. Therapy with quinidine sulfate should be begun with 200 mg (equivalent to 166 mg of quinidine base) every six hours. If this regimen is well tolerated, if the serum quinidine level is still well within the laboratory’s therapeutic range, and if the average time between arrhythmic episodes has not been satisfactorily increased, then the dose may be cautiously raised. The total daily dosage should be reduced if the QRS complex widens to 130% of its pretreatment duration; the QT C interval widens to 130% of its pretreatment duration and is then longer than 500 ms; P waves disappear; or the patient develops significant tachycardia, symptomatic bradycardia, or hypotension. Dosing regimens for the use of quinidine sulfate in suppressing life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias have not been adequately studied. Described regimens have generally been similar to the regimen described just above for the prophylaxis of symptomatic atrial fibrillation/flutter. Where possible, therapy should be guided by the results of programmed electrical stimulation and/or Holter monitoring with exercise.
Quinidine is contraindicated in patients who are known to be allergic to it, or who have developed thrombocytopenic purpura during prior therapy with quinidine or quinine. In the absence of a functioning artificial pacemaker, quinidine is also contraindicated in any patient whose cardiac rhythm is dependent upon a junctional or idioventricular pacemaker, including patients in complete atrioventricular block. Quinidine is also contraindicated in patients who, like those with myasthenia gravis, might be adversely affected by an anticholinergic agent.
In patients without implanted pacemakers who are at high risk of complete atrioventricular block ( e.g., those with digitalis intoxication, second-degree atrioventricular block, or severe intraventricular conduction defects), quinidine should be used only with caution. Drugs that alkalinize the urine ( carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, sodium bicarbonate, thiazide diuretics ) reduce renal elimination of quinidine. By pharmacokinetic mechanisms that are not well understood, quinidine levels are increased by coadministration of amiodarone or cimetidine . Very rarely, and again by mechanisms not understood, quinidine levels are decreased by coadministration of nifedipine . Hepatic elimination of quinidine may be accelerated by coadministration of drugs ( phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin ) that induce production of cytochrome P450 IIIA4 . Perhaps because of competition for the P450 IIIA4 metabolic pathway, quinidine levels rise when ketaconazole is coadministered. Coadministration of propranolol usually does not affect quinidine pharmacokinetics, but in some studies the β-blocker appeared to cause increases in the peak serum levels of quinidine, decreases in quinidine’s volume of distribution, and decreases in total quinidine clearance. The effects (if any) of coadministration of other β-blockers on quinidine pharmacokinetics have not been adequately studied. Diltiazem significantly decreases the clearance and increases the t 1/2 of quinidine, but quinidine does not alter the kinetics of diltiazem. Hepatic clearance of quinidine is significantly reduced during coadministration of verapamil , with corresponding increases in serum levels and half-life. Quinidine slows the elimination of digoxin and simultaneously reduces digoxin’s apparent volume of distribution. As a result, serum digoxin levels may be as much as doubled. When quinidine and digoxin are coadministered, digoxin doses usually need to be reduced. Serum levels of digoxin are also raised when quinidine is coadministered, although the effect appears to be smaller. By a mechanism that is not understood, quinidine potentiates the anticoagulatory action of warfarin , and the anticoagulant dosage may need to be reduced. Cytochrome P450 IID6 is an enzyme critical to the metabolism of many drugs, notably including mexiletine, some phenothiazines , and most polycyclic antidepressants . Constitutional deficiency of cytochrome P450 IID6 is found in less than 1% of Orientals, in about 2% of American blacks, and in about 8% of American whites. Testing with debrisoquine is sometimes used to distinguish the P450 IID6 -deficient “poor metabolizers” from the majority-pheno-type “extensive metabolizers”. When drugs whose metabolism is P450 IID6 -dependent are given to poor metabolizers, the serum levels achieved are higher, sometimes much higher, than the serum levels achieved when identical doses are given to extensive metabolizers. To obtain similar clinical benefit without toxicity, doses given to poor metabolizers may need to be greatly reduced. In the cases of prodrugs whose actions are actually mediated by P450 IID6 -produced metabolites (for example, codeine and hydrocodone , whose analgesic and antitussive effects appear to be mediated by morphine and hydromorphone, respectively), it may not be possible to achieve the desired clinical benefits in poor metabolizers. Quinidine is not metabolized by cytochrome P450 IID6 , but therapeutic serum levels of quinidine inhibit the action of cytochrome P450 IID6 , effectively converting extensive metabolizers into poor metabolizers. Caution must be exercised whenever quinidine is prescribed together with drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 IID6 . Perhaps by competing for pathways of renal clearance, coadministration of quinidine causes an increase in serum levels of procainamide . Serum levels of haloperidol are increased when quinidine is coadministered. Presumably because both drugs are metabolized by cytochrome P450 IID6 , coadministration of quinidine causes variable slowing of the metabolism of nifedipine . Interactions with other dihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers have not been reported, but these agents (including felodipine, nicardipine , and nimodipine ) are all dependent upon P450 IIIA4 for metabolism, so similar interactions with quinidine should be anticipated. Quinidine’s anitcholinergic, vasodilating, and negative inotropic actions may be additive to those of other drugs with these effects, and antagonistic to those of drugs with cholinergic, vasoconstricting, and positive inotropic effects. For example, when quinidine and verapamil are coadministered in doses that are each well tolerated as monotherapy, hypotension attributable to additive peripheral α-blockade is sometimes reported. Quinidine potentiates the actions of depolarizing (succinylcholine, decamethonium) and nondepolarizing (d-tubocurarine, pancuronium) neuromuscular blocking agents . These phenomena are not well understood, but they are observed in animal models as well as in humans. In addition, in vitro addition of quinidine to the serum of pregnant women reduces the activity of pseudocholinesterase, an enzyme that is essential to the metabolism of succinylcholine. Quinidine has no clinically significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of diltiazem, flecainide, mephenytoin, metoprolol, propafenone, propranolol, quinine, timolol , or tocainide . Conversely, the pharmacokinetics of quinidine are not significantly affected by caffeine, ciprofloxacin, digoxin, diltiazem, felodipine, omeprazole , or quinine . Quinidine’s pharmacokinetics are also unaffected by cigarette smoking. Before prescribing quinidine sulfate as prophylaxis against recurrence of atrial fibrillation, the physician should inform the patient of the risks and benefits to be expected (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ). Discussion should include the facts: • that the goal of therapy will be a reduction (probably not to zero) in the frequency of episodes of atrial fibrillation; and • that reduced frequency of fibrillatory episodes may be expected, if achieved, to bring symptomatic benefit; but • that no data are available to show that reduced frequency of fibrillatory episodes will reduce the risks of irreversible harm through stroke or death; and in fact • that such data as are available suggest that treatment with quinidine sulfate is likely to increase the patient’s risk of death. Animal studies to evaluate quinidine’s carcinogenic or mutagenic potential have not been performed. Similarly, there are no animal data as to quinidine’s potential to impair fertility. Animal reproductive studies have not been conducted with quinidine. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Quinidine should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed. Human placental transport of quinidine has not been systematically studied. In one neonate whose mother had received quinidine throughout her pregnancy, the serum level of quinidine was equal to that of the mother, with no apparent ill effect. The level of quinidine in amniotic fluid was about three times higher than that found in serum. In another case, the levels of quinidine and 3-hydroxyquinidine in cord blood were about 30% of simultaneous maternal levels. Quinine is said to be oxytocic in humans, but there are no adequate data as to quinidine’s effects (if any) on human labor and delivery. Quinidine is present in human milk at levels slightly lower than those in maternal serum; a human infant ingesting such milk should (scaling directly by weight) be expected to develop serum quinidine levels at least an order of magnitude lower than those of the mother. On the other hand, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of quinidine in human infants have not been adequately studied, and neonates’ reduced protein binding of quinidine may increase their risk of toxicity at low total serum levels. Administration of quinidine should (if possible) be avoided in lactating women who continue to nurse. Safety and efficacy of quinidine in elderly patients has not been systematically studied. In antimalarial trials, quinidine was as safe and effective in pediatric patients as in adults. Notwithstanding the known pharmacokinetic differences between children and adults (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism ), children in these trials received the same doses (on a mg/kg basis) as adults. Safety and effectiveness of antiarrhythmic use in pediatric patients have not been established.
Adverse reactions
Quinidine preparations have been used for many years, but there are only sparse data from which to estimate the incidence of various adverse reactions. The adverse reactions most frequently reported have consistently been gastrointestinal, including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn/esophagitis. In one study of 245 adult outpatients who received quinidine to suppress premature ventricular contractions, the incidences of reported adverse experiences were as shown in the table below. The most serious quinidine-associated adverse reactions are described above under
Drug interactions
Drugs that alkalinize the urine ( carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, sodium bicarbonate, thiazide diuretics ) reduce renal elimination of quinidine. By pharmacokinetic mechanisms that are not well understood, quinidine levels are increased by coadministration of amiodarone or cimetidine . Very rarely, and again by mechanisms not understood, quinidine levels are decreased by coadministration of nifedipine . Hepatic elimination of quinidine may be accelerated by coadministration of drugs ( phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin ) that induce production of cytochrome P450 IIIA4 . Perhaps because of competition for the P450 IIIA4 metabolic pathway, quinidine levels rise when ketaconazole is coadministered. Coadministration of propranolol usually does not affect quinidine pharmacokinetics, but in some studies the β-blocker appeared to cause increases in the peak serum levels of quinidine, decreases in quinidine’s volume of distribution, and decreases in total quinidine clearance. The effects (if any) of coadministration of other β-blockers on quinidine pharmacokinetics have not been adequately studied. Diltiazem significantly decreases the clearance and increases the t 1/2 of quinidine, but quinidine does not alter the kinetics of diltiazem. Hepatic clearance of quinidine is significantly reduced during coadministration of verapamil , with corresponding increases in serum levels and half-life. Quinidine slows the elimination of digoxin and simultaneously reduces digoxin’s apparent volume of distribution. As a result, serum digoxin levels may be as much as doubled. When quinidine and digoxin are coadministered, digoxin doses usually need to be reduced. Serum levels of digoxin are also raised when quinidine is coadministered, although the effect appears to be smaller. By a mechanism that is not understood, quinidine potentiates the anticoagulatory action of warfarin , and the anticoagulant dosage may need to be reduced. Cytochrome P450 IID6 is an enzyme critical to the metabolism of many drugs, notably including mexiletine, some phenothiazines , and most polycyclic antidepressants . Constitutional deficiency of cytochrome P450 IID6 is found in less than 1% of Orientals, in about 2% of American blacks, and in about 8% of American whites. Testing with debrisoquine is sometimes used to distinguish the P450 IID6 -deficient “poor metabolizers” from the majority-pheno-type “extensive metabolizers”. When drugs whose metabolism is P450 IID6 -dependent are given to poor metabolizers, the serum levels achieved are higher, sometimes much higher, than the serum levels achieved when identical doses are given to extensive metabolizers. To obtain similar clinical benefit without toxicity, doses given to poor metabolizers may need to be greatly reduced. In the cases of prodrugs whose actions are actually mediated by P450 IID6 -produced metabolites (for example, codeine and hydrocodone , whose analgesic and antitussive effects appear to be mediated by morphine and hydromorphone, respectively), it may not be possible to achieve the desired clinical benefits in poor metabolizers. Quinidine is not metabolized by cytochrome P450 IID6 , but therapeutic serum levels of quinidine inhibit the action of cytochrome P450 IID6 , effectively converting extensive metabolizers into poor metabolizers. Caution must be exercised whenever quinidine is prescribed together with drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 IID6 . Perhaps by competing for pathways of renal clearance, coadministration of quinidine causes an increase in serum levels of procainamide . Serum levels of haloperidol are increased when quinidine is coadministered. Presumably because both drugs are metabolized by cytochrome P450 IID6 , coadministration of quinidine causes variable slowing of the metabolism of nifedipine . Interactions with other dihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers have not been reported, but these agents (including felodipine, nicardipine , and nimodipine ) are all dependent upon P450 IIIA4 for metabolism, so similar interactions with quinidine should be anticipated. Quinidine’s anitcholinergic, vasodilating, and negative inotropic actions may be additive to those of other drugs with these effects, and antagonistic to those of drugs with cholinergic, vasoconstricting, and positive inotropic effects. For example, when quinidine and verapamil are coadministered in doses that are each well tolerated as monotherapy, hypotension attributable to additive peripheral α-blockade is sometimes reported. Quinidine potentiates the actions of depolarizing (succinylcholine, decamethonium) and nondepolarizing (d-tubocurarine, pancuronium) neuromuscular blocking agents . These phenomena are not well understood, but they are observed in animal models as well as in humans. In addition, in vitro addition of quinidine to the serum of pregnant women reduces the activity of pseudocholinesterase, an enzyme that is essential to the metabolism of succinylcholine. Quinidine has no clinically significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of diltiazem, flecainide, mephenytoin, metoprolol, propafenone, propranolol, quinine, timolol , or tocainide . Conversely, the pharmacokinetics of quinidine are not significantly affected by caffeine, ciprofloxacin, digoxin, diltiazem, felodipine, omeprazole , or quinine . Quinidine’s pharmacokinetics are also unaffected by cigarette smoking.
How supplied
Quinidine Sulfate Tablets are supplied as follows: 200 mg - White tablet scored imprinted E511 NDC 42806-513-30 bottles of 30 NDC 42806-513-01 bottles of 100 300 mg - White tablet scored imprinted E512 NDC 42806-512-30 bottles of 30 NDC 42806-512-01 bottles of 100 Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature]. Dispense in a well-closed, light-resistant container. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. Distributed by: Epic Pharma, LLC Laurelton, NY 11413 Rev.06-2023-00 MF512REV06/23 OS0005
Clinical pharmacology
The absolute bioavailability of quinidine from quinidine sulfate tablets is about 70%, but this varies widely (45 to 100%) between patients. The less-than-complete bioavailability is the result of first-pass metabolism in the liver. Peak serum levels generally appear about 2 hours after dosing; the rate of absorption is somewhat slowed when the drug is taken with food, but the extent of absorption is not changed. The volume of distribution of quinidine is 2 to 3 L/kg in healthy young adults, but this may be reduced to as little as 0.5 L/kg in patients with congestive heart failure, or increased to 3 to 5 L/kg in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. At concentrations of 2 to 5 mg/L (6.5 to 16.2 μmol/L), the fraction of quinidine bound to plasma proteins (mainly to α 1 -acid glycoprotein and to albumin) is 80 to 88% in adults and older children, but it is lower in pregnant women, and in infants and neonates it may be as low as 50 to 70%. Because α 1 -acid glycoprotein levels are increased in response to stress, serum levels of total quinidine may be greatly increased in settings such as acute myocardial infarction, even though the serum content of unbound (active) drug may remain normal. Protein binding is also increased in chronic renal failure, but binding abruptly descends toward or below normal when heparin is administered for hemodialysis. Quinidine clearance typically proceeds at 3 to 5 mL/min/kg in adults, but clearance in children may be twice or three times as rapid. The elimination half-life is 6 to 8 hours in adults and 3 to 4 hours in children. Quinidine clearance is unaffected by hepatic cirrhosis, so the increased volume of distribution seen in cirrhosis leads to a proportionate increase in the elimination half-life. Most quinidine is eliminated hepatically via the action of cytochrome P450 IIIA4 ; there are several different hydroxylated metabolites, and some of these have antiarrhythmic activity. The most important of quinidine’s metabolites is 3-hydroxyquinidine (3HQ), serum levels of which can exceed those of quinidine in patients receiving conventional doses of quinidine sulfate. The volume of distribution of 3HQ appears to be larger than that of quinidine, and the elimination half-life of 3HQ is about 12 hours. As measured by antiarrhythmic effects in animals, by QT C prolongation in human volunteers, or by various in vitro techniques, 3HQ has at least half the antiarrhythmic activity of the parent compound, so it may be responsible for a substantial fraction of the effect of quinidine sulfate in chronic use. When the urine pH is less than 7, about 20% of administered quinidine appears unchanged in the urine, but this fraction drops to as little as 5% when the urine is more alkaline. Renal clearance involves both glomerular filtration and active tubular secretion, moderated by (pH-dependent) tubular reabsorption. The net renal clearance is about 1 mL/min/kg in healthy adults. When renal function is taken into account, quinidine clearance is apparently independent of patient age. Assays of serum quinidine levels are widely available, but the results of modern assays may not be consistent with results cited in the older medical literature. The serum levels of quinidine cited in this package insert are those derived from specific assays, using either benzene extraction or (preferably) reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. In matched samples, older assays might unpredictably have given results that were as much as two or three times higher. A typical “therapeutic” concentration range is 2 to 6 mg/L (6.2 to 18.5 μmol/L). In patients with malaria, quinidine acts primarily as an intra-erythrocytic schizonticide, with little effect upon sporozites or upon pre-erythrocytic parasites. Quinidine is gametocidal to Plasmodium vivax and P. malariae , but not to P. falciparum . In cardiac muscle and in Purkinje fibers, quinidine depresses the rapid inward depolarizing sodium current, thereby slowing phase-0 depolarization and reducing the amplitude of the action potential without affecting the resting potential. In normal Purkinje fibers, it reduces the slope of phase-4 depolarization, shifting the threshold voltage upward toward zero. The result is slowed conduction and reduced automaticity in all parts of the heart, with increase of the effective refractory period relative to the duration of the action potential in the atria, ventricles, and Purkinje tissues. Quinidine also raises the fibrillation thresholds of the atria and ventricles, and it raises the ventricular defibrillation threshold as well. Quinidine’s actions fall into class 1A in the Vaughan-Williams classification. By slowing conduction and prolonging the effective refractory period, quinidine can interrupt or prevent reentrant arrhythmias and arrhythmias due to increased automaticity, including atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. In patients with the sick sinus syndrome, quinidine can cause marked sinus node depression and bradycardia. In most patients, however, use of quinidine is associated with an increase in the sinus rate. Quinidine prolongs the QT interval in a dose-related fashion. This may lead to increased ventricular automaticity and polymorphic ventricular tachycardias, including torsades de pointes (see WARNINGS ). In addition, quinidine has anticholinergic activity, it has negative inotropic activity, and it acts peripherally as an α-adrenergic antagonist (that is, as a vasodilator). In six clinical trials (published between 1970 and 1984) with a total of 808 patients, quinidine (418 patients) was compared to nontreatment (258 patients) or placebo (132 patients) for the maintenance of sinus rhythm after cardioversion from chronic atrial fibrillation. Quinidine was consistently more efficacious in maintaining sinus rhythm, but a metaanalysis found that mortality in the quinidine-exposed patients (2.9%) was significantly greater than mortality in the patients who had not been treated with active drug (0.8%). Suppression of atrial fibrillation with quinidine has theoretical patient benefits ( e.g., improved exercise tolerance; reduction in hospitalization for cardioversion; lack of arrhythmiarelated palpitations, dyspnea, and chest pain; reduced incidence of systemic embolism and/or stroke), but these benefits have never been demonstrated in clinical trials. Some of these benefits ( e.g., reduction in stroke incidence) may be achievable by other means (anticoagulation). By slowing the rate of atrial flutter/fibrillation, quinidine can decrease the degree of atrioventricular block and cause an increase, sometimes marked, in the rate at which supraventricular impulses are successfully conducted by the atrioventricular node, with a resultant paradoxical increase in ventricular rate (see WARNINGS ). In studies of patients with a variety of ventricular arrhythmias (mainly frequent ventricular premature beats and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia), quinidine (total N=502) has been compared to flecainide (N=141), mexiletine (N=246), propafenone (N=53), and tocainide (N=67). In each of these studies, the mortality in the quinidine group was numerically greater than the mortality in the comparator group. When the studies were combined in a metaanalysis, quinidine was associated with a statistically significant threefold relative risk of death. At therapeutic doses, quinidine’s only consistent effect upon the surface electrocardiogram is an increase in the QT interval. This prolongation can be monitored as a guide to safety, and it may provide better guidance than serum drug levels (see WARNINGS ).
Package label

2 organizations

1 product

Eon Labs, Inc.
Epic Pharma, LLC