
DailyMed Label: ALYACEN 1/35

DailyMed Label: ALYACEN 1/35
Document type
DailyMed Prescription
Generic name
norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol
A-S Medication Solutions
Product information
NDC: 50090-1477
Product information
NDC: 50090-1477
Product information
NDC: 50090-1477
ALYACEN 7/7/7 and ALYACEN 1/35 Tabletsare indicated for the prevention of pregnancy in women who elect to use this product as a method of contraception. Oral contraceptives are highly effective. Table 1 lists the typical accidental pregnancy rates for users of combined oral contraceptives and other methods of contraception. The efficacy of these contraceptive methods, except sterilization, the IUD, and the NORPLANT ® System depends upon the reliability with which they are used. Correct and consistent use of methods can result in lower failure rates. Table 1: Percentage of Women Experiencing an Unintended Pregnancy During the First Year of Typical Use and the First Year of Perfect Use of Contraception and the Percentage Continuing Use at the End of the First Year. United States. % of Women Experiencing an Unintended Pregnancy within the First Year of Use % of Women Continuing Use at One Year Among couples attempting to avoid pregnancy, the percentage who continue to use a method for one year. Method (1) Typical Use Among typical couples who initiate use of a method (not necessarily for the first time), the percentage who experience an accidental pregnancy during the first year if they do not stop use for any other reason. (2) Perfect Use Among couples who initiate use of a method (not necessarily for the first time) and who use it perfectly (both consistently and correctly), the percentage who experience an accidental pregnancy during the first year if they do not stop use for any other reason. (3) (4) Adapted from Hatcher et al, 1998, Ref. # 1. Emergency Contraceptive Pills: Treatment initiated within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse reduces the risk of pregnancy by at least 75%. The treatment schedule is one dose within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, and a second dose 12 hours after the first dose. The Food and Drug Administration has declared the following brands of oral contraceptives to be safe and effective for emergency contraception: Ovral ® (1 dose is 2 white pills), Alesse ® (1 dose is 5 pink pills), Nordette ® or Levlen ® (1 dose is 2 light-orange pills), Lo/Ovral ® (1 dose is 4 white pills), Triphasil ® or Tri-Levlen ® (1 dose is 4 yellow pills). Lactational Amenorrhea Method: LAM is a highly effective, temporary method of contraception. However, to maintain effective protection against pregnancy, another method of contraception must be used as soon as menstruation resumes, the frequency or duration of breastfeeds is reduced, bottle feeds are introduced, or the baby reaches six months of age. Source: Trussell J, Contraceptive efficacy. In Hatcher RA, Trussell J, Stewart F, Cates W, Stewart GK, Kowal D, Guest F, Contraceptive Technology: Seventeenth Revised Edition. New York, NY: Irvington Publishers, 1998. Chance The percents becoming pregnant in columns (2) and (3) are based on data from populations where contraception is not used and from women who cease using contraception in order to become pregnant. Among such populations, about 89% become pregnant within one year. This estimate was lowered slightly (to 85%) to represent the percent who would become pregnant within one year among women now relying on reversible methods of contraception if they abandoned contraception altogether. 85 85 Spermicides Foams, creams, gels, vaginal suppositories, and vaginal film. 26 6 40 Periodic abstinence 25 63   Calendar 9   Ovulation Method 3   Sympto-Thermal Cervical mucus (ovulation) method supplemented by calendar in the pre-ovulatory and basal body temperature in the post-ovulatory phases. 2   Post-Ovulation 1 Cap With spermicidal cream or jelly.   Parous Women 40 26 42   Nulliparous Women 20 9 56 Sponge   Parous Women 40 20 42   Nulliparous Women 20 9 56 Diaphragm 20 6 56 Withdrawal 19 4 Condom Without spermicides.   Female (Reality ® ) 21 5 56   Male 14 3 61 Pill 5 71   Progestin Only 0.5   Combined 0.1 IUD   Progesterone T 2 1.5 81   Copper T380A 0.8 0.6 78   LNg 20 0.1 0.1 81 Depo-Provera ® 0.3 0.3 70 Norplant ® and Norplant-2 ® 0.05 0.05 88 Female Sterilization 0.5 0.5 100 Male Sterilization 0.15 0.10 100 ALYACEN 7/7/7 and ALYACEN 1/35 have not been studied for and are not indicated for use in emergency contraception.
To achieve maximum contraceptive effectiveness, ALYACEN 7/7/7 and ALYACEN 1/35 tablets must be taken exactly as directed and at intervals not exceeding 24 hours. ALYACEN 7/7/7 and ALYACEN 1/35 tablets are available in a blister pack which is preset for a Sunday Start. Day 1 Start is also available. When taking ALYACEN 7/7/7 and ALYACEN 1/35, the first "active" tablet should be taken on the first Sunday after menstruation begins. If the period begins on Sunday, the first "active" tablet should be taken that day. Take one active tablet daily for 21 days followed by one light green "reminder" tablet daily for 7 days. After 28 tablets have been taken, a new course is started the next day (Sunday). For the first cycle of a Sunday Start regimen, another method of contraception such as a condom or spermicide should be used until after the first 7 consecutive days of administration. If the patient misses one (1) "active" tablet in Weeks 1, 2, or 3, the tablet should be taken as soon as she remembers. If the patient misses two (2) "active" tablets in Week 1 or Week 2, the patient should take two (2) tablets the day she remembers and two (2) tablets the next day; and then continue taking one (1) tablet a day until she finishes the pack. The patient should be instructed to use a back-up method of birth control such as a condom or spermicide if she has sex in the seven (7) days after missing pills. If the patient misses two (2) "active" tablets in the third week or misses three (3) or more "active" tablets in a row, the patient should continue taking one tablet every day until Sunday. On Sunday the patient should throw out the rest of the pack and start a new pack that same day. The patient should be instructed to use a back-up method of birth control if she has sex in the seven (7) days after missing pills. Complete instructions to facilitate patient counseling on proper pill usage may be found in the Detailed Patient Labeling ("How to Take the Pill" section). The dosage of ALYACEN 7/7/7 or ALYACEN 1/35, for the initial cycle of therapy, is one "active" tablet administered daily from the 1st through the 21st day of the menstrual cycle, counting the first day of menstrual flow as "Day 1" followed by one light green "reminder" tablet daily for 7 days. Tablets are taken without interruption for 28 days. After 28 tablets have been taken, a new course is started the next day. If the patient misses one (1) "active" tablet in Weeks 1, 2, or 3, the tablet should be taken as soon as she remembers. If the patient misses two (2) "active" tablets in Week 1 or Week 2, the patient should take two (2) tablets the day she remembers and two (2) tablets the next day; and then continue taking one (1) tablet a day until she finishes the pack. The patient should be instructed to use a back-up method of birth control such as a condom or spermicide if she has sex in the seven (7) days after missing pills. If the patient misses two (2) "active" tablets in the third week or misses three (3) or more "active" tablets in a row, the patient should throw out the rest of the pack and start a new pack that same day. The patient should be instructed to use a back-up method of birth control if she has sex in the seven (7) days after missing pills. Complete instructions to facilitate patient counseling on proper pill usage may be found in the Detailed Patient Labeling ("How to Take the Pill" section). The use of ALYACEN 7/7/7 or ALYACEN 1/35 for contraception may be initiated 4 weeks postpartum in women who elect not to breastfeed. When the tablets are administered during the postpartum period, the increased risk of thromboembolic disease associated with the postpartum period must be considered. (See CONTRAINDICATIONS and WARNINGS concerning thromboembolic disease. See also PRECAUTIONS : Nursing Mothers .) The possibility of ovulation and conception prior to initiation of medication should be considered. (See Discussion of Dose-Related Risk of Vascular Disease from Oral Contraceptives.)
Oral contraceptives should not be used in women who currently have the following conditions: • Thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders • A past history of deep vein thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders • Known thrombophilic conditions • Cerebral vascular or coronary artery disease (current or history) • Valvular heart disease with complications • Persistent blood pressure values of ≥ 160 mm Hg systolic or ≥ 100 mg Hg diastolic 96 • Diabetes with vascular involvement • Headaches with focal neurological symptoms • Major surgery with prolonged immobilization • Known or suspected carcinoma of the breast • Carcinoma of the endometrium or other known or suspected estrogen-dependent neoplasia • Undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding • Cholestatic jaundice of pregnancy or jaundice with prior pill use • Acute or chronic hepatocellular disease with abnormal liver function • Hepatic adenomas or carcinomas • Known or suspected pregnancy • Hypersensitivity to any component of this product • Are receiving Hepatitis C drug combinations containing ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir, due to the potential for ALT elevations (see WARNINGS , Risk of Liver Enzyme Elevations with Concomitant Hepatitis C Treatment ).
Patients should be counseled that this product does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases. It is good medical practice for all women to have annual history and physical examinations, including women using oral contraceptives. The physical examination, however, may be deferred until after initiation of oral contraceptives if requested by the woman and judged appropriate by the clinician. The physical examination should include special reference to blood pressure, breasts, abdomen and pelvic organs, including cervical cytology, and relevant laboratory tests. In case of undiagnosed, persistent or recurrent abnormal vaginal bleeding, appropriate measures should be conducted to rule out malignancy. Women with a strong family history of breast cancer or who have breast nodules should be monitored with particular care. Women who are being treated for hyperlipidemias should be followed closely if they elect to use oral contraceptives. Some progestogens may elevate LDL levels and may render the control of hyperlipidemias more difficult. If jaundice develops in any woman receiving such drugs, the medication should be discontinued. Steroid hormones may be poorly metabolized in patients with impaired liver function. Oral contraceptives may cause some degree of fluid retention. They should be prescribed with caution, and only with careful monitoring, in patients with conditions which might be aggravated by fluid retention. Women with a history of depression should be carefully observed and the drug discontinued if depression recurs to a serious degree. Contact lens wearers who develop visual changes or changes in lens tolerance should be assessed by an ophthalmologist. Consult the labeling of concurrently-used drugs to obtain further information about interactions with hormonal contraceptives or the potential for enzyme alterations. Drugs or herbal products that induce certain enzymes, including cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), may decrease the plasma concentrations of COCs and potentially diminish the effectiveness of CHCs or increase breakthrough bleeding. Some drugs or herbal products that may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives include phenytoin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, bosentan, felbamate, griseofulvin, oxcarbazepine, rifampicin, topiramate, rifabutin, rufinamide, aprepitant, and products containing St. John's wort. Interactions between hormonal contraceptives and other drugs may lead to breakthrough bleeding and/or contraceptive failure. Counsel women to use an alternative method of contraception or a back-up method when enzyme inducers are used with CHCs, and to continue back-up contraception for 28 days after discontinuing the enzyme inducer to ensure contraceptive reliability. Co-administration of atorvastatin or rosuvastatin and certain COCs containing EE increase AUC values for EE by approximately 20 to 25%. Ascorbic acid and acetaminophen may increase plasma EE concentrations, possibly by inhibition of conjugation. CYP3A4 inhibitors such as itraconazole, voriconazole, fluconazole, grapefruit juice, or ketoconazole may increase plasma hormone concentrations. Significant changes (increase or decrease) in the plasma concentrations of estrogen and/or progestin have been noted in some cases of co-administration with HIV protease inhibitors (decrease [e.g., nelfinavir, ritonavir, darunavir/ritonavir, (fos)amprenavir/ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir, and tipranavir/ritonavir] or increase [e.g., indinavir and atazanavir/ritonavir]) /HCV protease inhibitors (decrease [e.g., boceprevir and telaprevir]) or with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (decrease [e.g., nevirapine] or increase [e.g., etravirine]). Do not co-administer ALYACEN 7/7/7 and ALYACEN 1/35 with HCV drug combinations containing ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir, due to potential for ALT elevations (see WARNINGS , Risk of Liver Enzyme Elevations with Concomitant Hepatitis C Treatment ). Colesevelam, a bile acid sequestrant, given together with a combination oral hormonal contraceptive, has been shown to significantly decrease the AUC of EE. A drug interaction between the contraceptive and colesevelam was decreased when the two drug products were given 4 hours apart. COCs containing EE may inhibit the metabolism of other compounds (e.g., cyclosporine, prednisolone, theophylline, tizanidine, and voriconazole) and increase their plasma concentrations. COCs have been shown to decrease plasma concentrations of acetaminophen, clofibric acid, morphine, salicylic acid, temazepam and lamotrigine. Significant decrease in plasma concentration of lamotrigine has been shown, likely due to induction of lamotrigine glucuronidation. This may reduce seizure control; therefore, dosage adjustments of lamotrigine may be necessary. Women on thyroid hormone replacement therapy may need increased doses of thyroid hormone because serum concentrations of thyroid-binding globulin increases with use of COCs. Certain endocrine and liver function tests and blood components may be affected by oral contraceptives: a. Increased prothrombin and factors VII, VIII, IX, and X; decreased antithrombin 3; increased norepinephrine-induced platelet aggregability. b. Increased thyroid binding globulin (TBG) leading to increased circulating total thyroid hormone, as measured by protein-bound iodine (PBI), T4 by column or by radioimmunoassay. Free T3 resin uptake is decreased, reflecting the elevated TBG, free T4 concentration is unaltered. c. Other binding proteins may be elevated in serum. d. Sex-binding globulins are increased and result in elevated levels of total circulating sex steroids and corticoids; however, free or biologically active levels remain unchanged. e. Triglycerides may be increased and levels of various other lipids and lipoproteins may be affected. f. Glucose tolerance may be decreased. g. Serum folate levels may be depressed by oral contraceptive therapy. This may be of clinical significance if a woman becomes pregnant shortly after discontinuing oral contraceptives. See WARNINGS . See CONTRAINDICATIONS and WARNINGS . Small amounts of oral contraceptive steroids have been identified in the milk of nursing mothers and a few adverse effects on the child have been reported, including jaundice and breast enlargement. In addition, combined oral contraceptives given in the postpartum period may interfere with lactation by decreasing the quantity and quality of breast milk. If possible, the nursing mother should be advised not to use combined oral contraceptives but to use other forms of contraception until she has completely weaned her child. Safety and efficacy of ALYACEN 7/7/7 and ALYACEN 1/35 Tablets have been established in women of reproductive age. Safety and efficacy are expected to be the same for postpubertal adolescents under the age of 16 and for users 16 years and older. Use of this product before menarche is not indicated. This product has not been studied in women over 65 years of age and is not indicated in this population.
Adverse reactions
An increased risk of the following serious adverse reactions has been associated with the use of oral contraceptives (See
How supplied
ALYACEN 7/7/7 Tablets are available in blister packs containing 28 tablets, as follows: • 7 white to off-white, round, flat faced, beveled edged, uncoated tablets debossed with ‘A4’ on one side and plain on the other. Each white to off-white tablet contains 0.5 mg norethindrone, USP and 0.035 mg ethinyl estradiol, USP; • 7 light peach, round, flat faced, beveled edged uncoated tablets debossed with ‘A3’ on one side and plain on the other. Each light peach tablet contains 0.75 mg norethindrone, USP and 0.035 mg ethinyl estradiol, USP; • 7 peach, round, flat faced, beveled edged uncoated tablets debossed with ‘A1’ on one side and plain on the other. Each peach tablet contains 1 mg norethindrone, USP and 0.035 mg ethinyl estradiol, USP; and • 7 light green, round, flat faced, beveled edged uncoated tablets debossed with ‘A2’ on one side and plain on the other. Each light green tablet contains inert ingredients. NDC 68462-556-29 1 carton containing 3 blister cards of 28 tablets ALYACEN 1/35 Tablets are available in blister packs containing 28 tablets, as follows: • 21 peach, round, flat faced, beveled edged uncoated tablets, debossed with ‘A1’ on one side and plain on the other. Each peach tablet conains 1 mg norethindrone, USP and 0.035 mg ethinyl estradiol, USP; and • 7 light green, round, flat faced, beveled edged uncoated tablets debossed with ‘A2’ on one side and plain on the other. Each light green tablet contains inert ingredients. NDC 68462-394-29 1 carton containing 3 blister cards of 28 tablets Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F); excursions permitted between 15° to 30°C (59° to 86°F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature]. Keep out of reach of children. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Clinical pharmacology
Combined oral contraceptives act by suppression of gonadotropins. Although the primary mechanism of this action is inhibition of ovulation, other alterations include changes in the cervical mucus (which increase the difficulty of sperm entry into the uterus) and the endometrium (which reduce the likelihood of implantation).
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