
DailyMed Label: Edluar

DailyMed Label: Edluar
Document type
DailyMed Prescription
Generic name
Zolpidem Tartrate
Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Product information
NDC: 0037-6050
Product information
NDC: 0037-6050
Product information
NDC: 0037-6010
Product information
NDC: 0037-6010
Edluar contains zolpidem tartrate, a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor positive modulator of the imidazopyridine class. Edluar is available in 5 mg and 10 mg strength tablets for sublingual administration. Chemically, zolpidem tartrate is N,N,6-trimethyl-2-p-tolylimidazo[1,2-a] pyridine-3-acetamide L-(+)-tartrate (2:1). It has the following structure: Zolpidem tartrate, USP is a white to almost white crystalline powder that is sparingly soluble in water, alcohol, and propylene glycol. It has a molecular weight of 764.88. Each Edluar tablet includes the following inactive ingredients: mannitol, colloidal silicon dioxide, silicified microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, saccharin sodium, and magnesium stearate. Chemical Structure of zolpidem tartrate
Edluar (zolpidem tartrate) sublingual tablets are indicated for the short-term treatment of insomnia characterized by difficulties with sleep initiation [see Clinical Studies (14) ] . The clinical trials performed with zolpidem tartrate in support of efficacy were 4-5 weeks in duration with the final formal assessments of sleep latency performed at the end of treatment. Edluar, a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor positive modulator, is indicated for the short-term treatment of insomnia characterized by difficulties with sleep initiation. Zolpidem tartrate has been shown to decrease sleep latency for up to 35 days in controlled clinical studies. ( 1 )
• Use the lowest dose effective for the patient ( 2.1 ) • Recommended dose is 5 mg for women and 5 or 10 mg for men, immediately before bedtime. ( 2.1 ) • Geriatric patients and patients with hepatic impairment: Recommended dose is 5 mg for men and women. ( 2.2 ) • Lower doses of CNS depressants may be necessary when taken concomitantly with Edluar. ( 2.3 ) • Co-administration with CNS depressants: Recommended dose is 5 mg for men and women. ( 2.3 ) • The effect of Edluar may be slowed if taken with or immediately after a meal. ( 2.4 ) • Edluar sublingual tablet should be placed under the tongue, where it will disintegrate. ( 2.4 ) • The tablet should not be swallowed and the tablet should not be taken with water. ( 2.4 ) Use the lowest effective dose for the patient. The recommended initial dose is 5 mg for women and either 5 or 10 mg for men, taken only once per night immediately before bedtime with at least 7-8 hours remaining before the planned time of awakening. If the 5 mg dose is not effective, the dose can be increased to 10 mg. In some patients, the higher morning blood levels following use of the 10 mg dose increase the risk of next day impairment of driving and other activities that require full alertness [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1) ] . The total dose of Edluar should not exceed 10 mg once daily immediately before bedtime. The recommended initial doses for women and men are different because zolpidem clearance is lower in women. Elderly or debilitated patients may be especially sensitive to the effects of zolpidem tartrate. Patients with hepatic insufficiency do not clear the drug as rapidly as normal subjects. The recommended dose of Edluar in both of these patient populations is 5 mg once daily immediately before bedtime [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1) ; Use in Specific Populations (8.5) ] . Dosage adjustment may be necessary when Edluar is combined with other CNS-depressant drugs because of the potentially additive effects [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1) ] . The effect of Edluar may be slowed by ingestion with or immediately after a meal. Edluar sublingual tablet should be placed under the tongue, where it will disintegrate. The tablet should not be swallowed and the tablet should not be taken with water.
Dosage forms
Edluar is available in 5 mg and 10 mg strength tablets for sublingual administration. Tablets are not scored. Edluar 5 mg sublingual tablets are round white, flat-faced, bevel-edged, with debossed V on one side. Edluar 10 mg sublingual tablets are round white, flat-faced, bevel-edged, with debossed X on one side. Sublingual tablets: 5 mg and 10 mg. Tablets not scored. ( 3 )
Edluar is contraindicated in patients: • who have experienced complex sleep behaviors after taking Edluar [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1) ]. • with known hypersensitivity to zolpidem. Observed reactions include anaphylaxis and angioedema [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4) ] . • Patients who have experienced complex sleep behaviors after taking Edluar. ( 4 , 5.1 ) • Known hypersensitivity to zolpidem. ( 4 )
• CNS Depressant Effects: Impairs alertness and motor coordination, including risk of morning impairment. Risk increases with dose and use with other CNS depressants and alcohol. Instruct patients on correct use. ( 5.2 ) • Need to Evaluate for Co-morbid Diagnosis: Reevaluate if insomnia persists after 7 to 10 days of use. ( 5.3 ) • Severe Anaphylactic and Anaphylactoid Reactions: angioedema and anaphylaxis have been reported. Do not rechallenge if such reactions occur. ( 5.4 ) • Abnormal Thinking and Behavioral Changes: Changes including decreased inhibition, bizarre behavior, agitation and depersonalization have been reported. Immediately evaluate any new onset behavioral changes. ( 5.5 ) • Depression: Worsening of depression or suicidal thinking may occur. Prescribe the least amount of tablets feasible to avoid intentional overdose. ( 5.6 ) • Respiratory Depression: Consider this risk before prescribing in patients with compromised respiratory function. ( 5.7 ) • Withdrawal Effects: Symptoms may occur with rapid dose reduction or discontinuation. ( 5.8 , 9.3 ) Complex sleep behaviors including sleep-walking, sleep-driving, and engaging in other activities while not fully awake may occur following use of zolpidem. Patients can be seriously injured or injure others during complex sleep behaviors. Such injuries may result in a fatal outcome. Other complex sleep behaviors (e.g., preparing and eating food, making phone calls, or having sex) have also been reported. Patients usually do not remember these events. Post-marketing reports have shown that complex sleep behaviors may occur with zolpidem alone at recommended dosages, with or without the concomitant use of alcohol or other central nervous system (CNS) depressants   [see Drug Interactions (7.1) ] . Discontinue Edluar immediately if a patient experiences a complex sleep behavior . Edluar, like other sedative-hypnotic drugs, CNS depressant effects. Co-administration with other CNS depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol) increases the risk of CNS depression. Dosage adjustments of Edluar and of other concomitant CNS depressants may be necessary when Edluar is administered with such agents because of the potentially additive effects. The use of Edluar with other sedative-hypnotics (including other zolpidem products) at bedtime or the middle of the night is not recommended [see Dosage and Administration (2.3) ] . The risk of next-day psychomotor impairment, including impaired driving, is increased if Edluar is taken with less than a full night of sleep remaining (7 to 8 hours); if a higher than the recommended dose is taken; if co-administered with other CNS depressants; or if co-administered with other drugs that increase the blood level of zolpidem. Patients should be cautioned against driving and other activities requiring complete mental alertness if Edluar is taken in these circumstances. Because Edluar can cause drowsiness and a decreased level of consciousness, patients, particularly the elderly, are at higher risk of falls. Because sleep disturbances may be the presenting manifestation of a physical and/or psychiatric disorder, symptomatic treatment of insomnia should be initiated only after a careful evaluation of the patient. The failure of insomnia to remit after 7 to 10 days of treatment may indicate the presence of a primary psychiatric and/or medical illness that should be evaluated. Worsening of insomnia or the emergence of new thinking or behavior abnormalities may be the consequence of an unrecognized psychiatric or physical disorder. Such findings have emerged during the course of treatment with sedative/hypnotic drugs, including zolpidem. Cases of angioedema involving the tongue, glottis or larynx have been reported in patients after taking the first or subsequent doses of sedative-hypnotics, including zolpidem tartrate. Some patients have had additional symptoms such as dyspnea, throat closing or nausea and vomiting that suggest anaphylaxis. Some patients have required medical therapy in the emergency department. If angioedema involves the throat, glottis or larynx, airway obstruction may occur and be fatal. Patients who develop angioedema after treatment with Edluar should not be rechallenged with the drug. Abnormal thinking and behavior changes have been reported in patients treated with sedative/hypnotics, including zolpidem. Some of these changes included decreased inhibition (e.g. aggressiveness and extroversion that seemed out of character), bizarre behavior, agitation and depersonalization. Visual and auditory hallucinations have been reported. In controlled trials of zolpidem tartrate 10 mg taken at bedtime, <1% of adults with insomnia who received zolpidem reported hallucinations. In a clinical trial, 7% of pediatric patients treated with zolpidem tartrate 0.25 mg/kg taken at bedtime reported hallucinations, versus 0% treated with placebo [see Use in Specific Populations (8.4) ] . It can rarely be determined with certainty whether a particular instance of the abnormal behaviors listed above is drug induced, spontaneous in origin, or a result of an underlying psychiatric or physical disorder. Nonetheless, the emergence of any new behavioral sign or symptom of concern requires careful and immediate evaluation. In primarily depressed patients treated with sedative-hypnotics, worsening of depression, and suicidal thoughts and actions (including completed suicides), have been reported. Suicidal tendencies may be present in such patients and protective measures may be required. Intentional overdosage is more common in this group of patients; therefore, the least amount of drug that is feasible should be prescribed for the patient at any one time. Although studies with 10 mg zolpidem tartrate did not reveal respiratory depressant effects at hypnotic doses in healthy subjects or in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a reduction in the Total Arousal Index, together with a reduction in lowest oxygen saturation and increase in the time of oxygen desaturation below 80% and 90%, was observed in patients with mild-to-moderate sleep apnea when treated with zolpidem compared to placebo. Since sedative-hypnotics have the capacity to depress respiratory drive, precautions should be taken if Edluar is prescribed to patients with compromised respiratory function. Post-marketing reports of respiratory insufficiency in patients receiving 10 mg of zolpidem tartrate, most of whom had pre-existing respiratory impairment, have been reported. The risks of respiratory depression should be considered prior to prescribing Edluar in patients with respiratory impairment including sleep apnea and myasthenia gravis. There have been reports of withdrawal signs and symptoms following the rapid dose decrease or abrupt discontinuation of zolpidem. Monitor patients for tolerance, abuse, and dependence [see Drug Abuse and Dependence (9.2) and ( 9.3 )] .
Adverse reactions
The following serious adverse reactions are discussed in greater detail in other sections of the labeling:
Drug interactions
• CNS-depressants, including alcohol: Possible adverse additive CNS-depressant effects ( 5.1 , 7.1 ) • Imipramine: decreased alertness observed ( 7.1 ) • Chlorpromazine: impaired alertness and psychomotor performance observed ( 7.1 ) • Rifampin: combination use may decrease effects ( 7.2 ) • Ketoconazole: combination use may increase effect ( 7.2 ) Co-administration of zolpidem with other CNS depressants increases the risk of CNS depression [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1 , 5.2) ] . Zolpidem tartrate was evaluated in healthy volunteers in single-dose interaction studies for several CNS drugs. Imipramine in combination with zolpidem produced no pharmacokinetic interaction other than a 20% decrease in peak levels of imipramine, but there was an additive effect of decreased alertness. Similarly, chlorpromazine in combination with zolpidem produced no pharmacokinetic interaction, but there was an additive effect of decreased alertness and psychomotor performance [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3) ] . A study involving haloperidol and zolpidem revealed no effect of haloperidol on the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of zolpidem. The lack of a drug interaction following single-dose administration does not predict the absence of an effect following chronic administration [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3) ] . An additive adverse effect on psychomotor performance between alcohol and oral zolpidem was demonstrated [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1) ] . Concomitant administration of zolpidem and sertraline increases exposure to zolpidem and may increase the pharmacodynamics effect of zolpidem [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3) ] . After multiple doses of zolpidem tartrate and fluoxetine an increase in the zolpidem half-life (17%) was observed. There was no evidence of an additive effect in psychomotor performance [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3) ] . Some compounds known to inhibit CYP3A may increase exposure to zolpidem. The effect of other P450 enzymes on the exposure to zolpidem is not known. Rifampin, a CYP3A4 inducer, significantly reduced the exposure to and the pharmacodynamics effects of zolpidem. Use of Rifampin in combination with zolpidem may decrease the efficacy of zolpidem. Ketoconazole, a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor, increased the pharmacodynamics effects of zolpidem. Consideration should be given to using a lower dose of zolpidem when ketoconazole and zolpidem are given together.
Use in_specific_populations
• Pregnancy: May cause respiratory depression and sedation in neonates with exposure late in third trimester. ( 8.1 ) • Lactation: A lactating woman may pump and discard breast milk during treatment and for 23 hours after Edluar administration. ( 8.2 ) • Pediatric use: Safety and effectiveness not established. Hallucinations (incidence rate 7%) and other psychiatric and/or nervous system adverse reactions were observed frequently in a study of pediatric patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ( 5.4 , 8.4 ) Neonates born to mothers using zolpidem late in the third trimester of pregnancy have been reported to experience symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation ( see Clinical Considerations and Data ) . Published data on the use of zolpidem during pregnancy have not identified a drug-associated risk of and major birth defects ( see Data ). Oral administration of zolpidem to pregnant rats and rabbits did not indicate a risk for adverse effects on fetal development at clinically relevant doses ( see Data ). The estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the indicated populations are unknown. All pregnancies have a background risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2 to 4% and 15 to 20%, respectively. Zolpidem crosses the placenta and may produce respiratory depression and sedation in neonates. Monitor neonates exposed to Edluar during pregnancy and labor for signs of excess sedation, hypotonia, and respiratory depression and manage accordingly. Published data from observational studies, birth registries and case reports on the use of zolpidem during pregnancy have not identified a drug-associated risk of major birth defects. There are limited postmarketing reports of severe to moderate cases of respiratory depression that occurred after birth in neonates whose mothers had taken zolpidem during pregnancy. These cases required artificial ventilation or intra-tracheal intubation. The majority of neonates recovered within hours to a few weeks after birth once treated. Zolpidem has been shown to cross the placenta. Oral administration of zolpidem to pregnant rats during the period of organogenesis at 4, 20, and 100 mg base/kg/day, which are approximately 5, 25, and 120 times the MRHD of 10 mg/day (8 mg zolpidem base) based on mg/m 2 body surface area, caused delayed fetal development (incomplete fetal skeletal ossification) at maternally toxic (ataxia) doses 25 and 120 times the MRHD based on mg/m 2 body surface area. Oral administration of zolpidem to pregnant rabbits during the period of organogenesis at 1, 4, and 16 mg base/kg/day, which are approximately 2.5, 10, and 40 times the MRHD of 10 mg/day (8 mg zolpidem base) based on mg/m 2 body surface area caused embryo-fetal death and delayed fetal development (incomplete fetal skeletal ossification) at a maternally toxic (decreased body weight gain) dose 40 times the MRHD based on mg/m 2 body surface area. Oral administration of zolpidem to pregnant rats from day 15 of gestation through lactation at 4, 20, and 100 mg base/kg/day, which are approximately 5, 25, and 120 times the MRHD of 10 mg/day (8 mg zolpidem base) based on mg/m 2 body surface area, delayed offspring growth and decreased survival at doses 25 and 120 times, respectively, the MRHD based on mg/m 2 body surface area. Limited data from published literature reports the presence of zolpidem in human milk. There are reports of excess sedation in infants exposed to zolpidem through breastmilk ( see Clinical Considerations ). There is no information on the effects of zolpidem on milk production. The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother’s clinical need for Edluar and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from Edluar or from the underlying maternal condition. Infants exposed to Edluar through breastmilk should be monitored for excess sedation, hypotonia, and respiratory depression. A lactating woman may consider interrupting breastfeeding and pumping and discarding breast milk during treatment and for 23 hours (approximately 5 elimination half-lives) after Edluar administration in order to minimize drug exposure to a breast fed infant. Edluar is not recommended for use in children. Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established in pediatric patients below the age of 18. In an 8-week controlled study in 201 pediatric patients (aged 6-17 years) with insomnia associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), an oral solution of zolpidem tartrate dosed at 0.25mg/kg at bedtime did not decrease sleep latency compared to placebo. Ten patients on zolpidem (7.4%) discontinued treatment due to an adverse reaction. Psychiatric and nervous system disorders comprised the most frequent (>5%) treatment emergent adverse reactions observed with zolpidem versus placebo and included dizziness (23.5% vs. 1.5%), headache (12.5% vs. 9.2%), and hallucinations reported in 7% of the pediatric patients who received zolpidem; none of the pediatric patients who received placebo reported hallucinations [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4) ] . A total of 154 patients in U.S. controlled clinical trials and 897 patients in non-U.S. clinical trials who received oral zolpidem were ≥60 years of age. For a pool of U.S. patients receiving zolpidem tartrate at doses of ≤10 mg or placebo, there were three adverse events occurring at an incidence of at least 3% for zolpidem and for which the zolpidem incidence was at least twice the placebo incidence (i.e., they could be considered drug-related). Adverse Event Zolpidem Placebo Dizziness 3% 0% Drowsiness 5% 2% Diarrhea 3% 1% A total of 30/1,959 (1.5%) non-U.S. patients receiving zolpidem tartrate reported falls, including 28/30 (93%) who were ≥70 years of age. Of these 28 patients, 23 (82%) were receiving zolpidem doses >10 mg. A total of 24/1,959 (1.2%) non-U.S. patients receiving zolpidem reported confusion, including 18/24 (75%) who were ≥70 years of age. Of these 18 patients, 14 (78%) were receiving zolpidem doses >10 mg. The dose of Edluar in elderly patients is 5 mg to minimize adverse effects related to impaired motor and/or cognitive performance and unusual sensitivity to sedative/hypnotic drugs [see Dosage and Administration (2) , Warnings and Precautions (5) Clinical Pharmacology (12) and Clinical Studies (14) ] . Women clear zolpidem tartrate from the body at a lower rate than men, C max and AUC parameters of zolpidem were approximately 45% higher at the same dose in female subjects compared with male subjects. Given the higher blood levels of zolpidem tartrate in women compared to men at a given dose, the recommended dose of Edluar for adult women is 5 mg, and the recommended dose for adult men is 5 or 10 mg. In geriatric patients, clearance of zolpidem is similar in men and women. The recommended dose of Edluar in geriatric patients is 5 mg regardless of gender.
How supplied
Edluar is supplied as sublingual tablets in two dosage strengths: Tablets are not scored. Edluar 5 mg sublingual tablets are round white tablets, flat-faced, bevel-edged with debossed V on one side and supplied as: NDC Number Size 0037-6050-30 carton of 30 tablets (3 x 10 tablets) 0037-6050-93 carton of 30 tablets (5 x 6 tablets) The blister packs consist of aluminum/aluminum Child Resistant Control (CRC) blisters. Edluar 10 mg sublingual tablets are round white tablets, flat-faced, bevel-edged with debossed X on one side and supplied as: NDC Number Size 0037-6010-30 carton of 30 tablets (3 x 10 tablets) 0037-6010-93 carton of 30 tablets (5 x 6 tablets) The blister packs consist of aluminum/aluminum Child Resistant Control (CRC) blisters. Store at controlled room temperature 20-25°C (68-77°F). Protect from light and moisture.
Clinical pharmacology
Zolpidem is a GABA A receptor positive modulator presumed to exert its therapeutic effects in the short-term treatment of insomnia through binding to the benzodiazepine site of α 1 subunit containing GABA A receptors, increasing the frequency of chloride channel opening resulting in the inhibition of neuronal excitation. Zolpidem binds to GABA A receptors with a greater affinity for α 1 subunit relative to α 2 and α 3 subunit containing receptors. Zolpidem has no appreciable binding affinity for α 5 subunit containing GABA A receptors. This binding profile may explain the relative absence of myorelaxant effects in animal studies. Zolpidem has no appreciable binding affinity for dopaminergic D2, serotonergic 5HT 2 , adrenergic, histaminergic or muscarinic receptors. Edluar (zolpidem tartrate) sublingual tablets are bioequivalent to Ambien ® tablets (Sanofi-Aventis) with respect to C max and AUC. Similar to zolpidem tartrate oral tablets, Edluar sublingual tablets result in a pharmacokinetic profile characterized by rapid absorption. Following administration of single 10 mg Edluar, in 18 healthy adult subjects (18-65 years of age), the mean peak concentration (C max ) of zolpidem was 106 ng/mL (range: 52 to 205 ng/ml) occurring at a median time (T max ) of 82 minutes (range: 30-180 min). A food-effect study in 18 healthy volunteers compared the pharmacokinetics of Edluar 10 mg when administered while fasting or within 20 minutes after a high fat meal. The mean AUC and C max were decreased by 20% and 31%, respectively, while median T max was prolonged by 28% (from 82 to 105 min). The half-life remained unchanged. These results suggest that, for faster sleep onset, Edluar should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Based on data obtained with oral zolpidem, the total protein binding was found to be 92.5 ± 0.1% and remained constant, independent of concentration between 40 and 790 ng/mL. Based on data obtained with oral zolpidem, zolpidem is converted to inactive metabolites that are eliminated primarily by renal excretion. When Edluar administered as a single 5 or 10 mg dose in healthy adult subjects, the mean zolpidem elimination half-life was 2.85 hours (range: 1.57-6.73 hr) and 2.65 hours (range: 1.75 to 3.77 hr) respectively. In the elderly, the dose for Edluar should be 5 mg [see Warnings and Precautions (5) and Dosage and Administration (2) ] . This recommendation is based on several studies with zolpidem tartrate in which the mean C max , T 1/2 , and AUC were significantly increased when compared to results in young adults. In one study of eight elderly subjects (>70 years), the means for C max , T 1/2 , and AUC significantly increased by 50% (255 vs. 384 ng/mL), 32% (2.2 vs. 2.9 hr), and 64% (955 vs. 1,562 ng•hr/mL), respectively, as compared to younger adults (20 to 40 years) following a single 20 mg oral dose. Zolpidem did not accumulate in elderly subjects following nightly oral dosing of 10 mg for 1 week. The pharmacokinetics of zolpidem tartrate in eight patients with chronic hepatic insufficiency were compared to results in healthy subjects. Following a single 20-mg oral zolpidem tartrate dose, mean C max and AUC were found to be two times (250 vs. 499 ng/mL) and five times (788 vs. 4,203 ng•hr/mL) higher, respectively, in hepatically-compromised patients. T max did not change. The mean half-life in cirrhotic patients of 9.9 hr (range: 4.1 to 25.8 hr) was greater than that observed in normals of 2.2 hr (range: 1.6 to 2.4 hr). Dosing with Edluar should be modified accordingly in patients with hepatic insufficiency [see Dosage and Administration (2.2) ] . The pharmacokinetics of zolpidem tartrate were studied in 11 patients with end-stage 4 renal failure (mean Cl Cr = 6.5 ± 1.5 mL/min) undergoing hemodialysis three times a week, who were dosed with zolpidem tartrate 10 mg orally each day for 14 or 21 days. No statistically significant differences were observed for C max , T max , half-life, and AUC between the first and last day of drug administration when baseline concentration adjustments were made. Zolpidem was not hemodialyzable. No accumulation of unchanged drug appeared after 14 or 21 days. Zolpidem pharmacokinetics were not significantly different in renally-impaired patients. No dosage adjustment is necessary in patients with compromised renal function. Co-administration of zolpidem with other CNS depressants increases the risk of CNS depression [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1) ] . Zolpidem tartrate was evaluated in healthy volunteers in single-dose interaction studies for several CNS drugs. Imipramine in combination with zolpidem produced no pharmacokinetic interaction other than a 20% decrease in peak levels of imipramine, but there was an additive effect of decreased alertness. Similarly, chlorpromazine in combination with zolpidem produced no pharmacokinetic interaction, but there was an additive effect of decreased alertness and psychomotor performance. A study involving haloperidol and zolpidem revealed no effect of haloperidol on the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of zolpidem. The lack of a drug interaction following single-dose administration does not predict the absence of an effect following chronic administration. An additive adverse effect on psychomotor performance between alcohol and oral zolpidem was demonstrated [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1) ] . Following five consecutive nightly doses at bedtime of oral zolpidem tartrate 10 mg in the presence of sertraline 50 mg (17 consecutive daily doses, at 7:00 am, in healthy female volunteers), zolpidem C max was significantly higher (43%) and T max was significantly decreased (-53%). Pharmacokinetics of sertraline and N-desmethylsertraline were unaffected by zolpidem. A single-dose interaction study with zolpidem tartrate 10 mg and fluoxetine 20 mg at steady-state levels in male volunteers did not demonstrate any clinically significant pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamics interactions. When multiple doses of zolpidem and fluoxetine were given at steady-state and the concentrations evaluated in healthy females, an increase in the zolpidem half-life (17%) was observed. There was no evidence of an additive effect in psychomotor performance. Some compounds known to inhibit CYP3A may increase exposure to zolpidem. The effect of inhibitors of other P450 enzymes on the pharmacokinetics of zolpidem is unknown. A single-dose interaction study with zolpidem tartrate 10 mg and itraconazole 200 mg at steady-state levels in male volunteers resulted in a 34% increase in AUC 0-∞ of zolpidem tartrate. There were no pharmacodynamics effects of zolpidem detected on subjective drowsiness, postural sway, or psychomotor performance. A single-dose interaction study with zolpidem tartrate 10 mg and rifampin 600 mg at steady-state levels in female subjects showed significant reductions of the AUC (-73%), C max (-58%), and T ½ (-36 %) of zolpidem together with significant reductions in the pharmacodynamics effects of zolpidem tartrate. Rifampin, a CYP3A4 inducer, significantly reduced the exposure to and the pharmacodynamics effects of zolpidem. A single-dose interaction study with zolpidem 5 mg and ketoconazole, a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor, given as 200 mg twice daily for 2 days increased C max of zolpidem (30%) and the total AUC of zolpidem (70%) compared to zolpidem alone and prolonged the elimination half-life (30%) along with an increase in the pharmacodynamics effects of zolpidem. Consideration should be given to using a lower dose of zolpidem when ketoconazole and zolpidem are given together. A study involving cimetidine/zolpidem tartrate and ranitidine/zolpidem tartrate combinations revealed no effect of either drug on the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of zolpidem. Zolpidem tartrate had no effect on digoxin pharmacokinetics and did not affect prothrombin time when given with warfarin in healthy subjects.
Nonclinical toxicology
Zolpidem was administered to mice and rats for 2 years at oral doses of 4, 18, and 80 mg base/kg/day. In mice, these doses are approximately 2.5, 10, and 50 times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 10 mg/day (8 mg zolpidem base) based on mg/m 2 body surface area and in rats, these doses are approximately 5, 20, and 100 times the MRHD based on mg/m 2 body surface area. No evidence of carcinogenic potential was observed in mice. In rats, renal tumors (lipoma, liposarcoma) were seen at the mid and high doses. Zolpidem was negative in in vitro (bacterial reverse mutation, mouse lymphoma, and chromosomal aberration) and in vivo (mouse micronucleus) genetic toxicology assays. Zolpidem was administered to rats at 4, 20, and 100 mg base/kg/day, which are approximately 5, 25, and 120 times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 10 mg/day (8 mg zolpidem base) based on mg/m 2 body surface area, prior to and during mating, and continuing in females through postpartum day 25. Zolpidem caused irregular estrus cycles and prolonged precoital intervals at the highest dose tested, which is approximately 120 times the MRHD based on mg/m 2 body surface area. The NOAEL for these effects is 25 times the MRHD based on a mg/m 2 body surface area. There was no impairment of fertility at any dose tested.
Clinical studies
Normal adults experiencing transient insomnia (n = 462) during the first night in a sleep laboratory were evaluated in a double-blind, parallel group, single night trial comparing two doses of zolpidem tartrate oral tablets (7.5 and 10 mg) and placebo. Both zolpidem doses were superior to placebo on objective (polysomnographic) measures of sleep latency, sleep duration, and number of awakenings. Normal elderly adults (mean age 68) experiencing transient insomnia (n = 35) during the first two nights in a sleep laboratory were evaluated in a double-blind, crossover, 2-night trial comparing four doses of zolpidem (5, 10, 15, and 20 mg) and placebo. All zolpidem doses were superior to placebo on the two primary PSG parameters (sleep latency and efficiency) and all four subjective outcome measures (sleep duration, sleep latency, number of awakenings, and sleep quality). Zolpidem was evaluated in two controlled studies for the treatment of patients with chronic insomnia (most closely resembling primary insomnia, as defined in the APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV™). Adult outpatients with chronic insomnia (n = 75) were evaluated in a double-blind, parallel group, 5-week trial comparing two doses of zolpidem tartrate and placebo. On objective (polysomnographic) measures of sleep latency and sleep efficiency, zolpidem 10 mg was superior to placebo on sleep latency for the first 4 weeks and on sleep efficiency for weeks 2 and 4. Zolpidem was comparable to placebo on number of awakenings at both doses studied. Adult outpatients (n=141) with chronic insomnia were also evaluated, in a double-blind, parallel group, 4-week trial comparing two doses of zolpidem and placebo. Zolpidem 10 mg was superior to placebo on a subjective measure of sleep latency for all 4 weeks, and on subjective measures of total sleep time, number of awakenings, and sleep quality for the first treatment week. Increased wakefulness during the last third of the night as measured by polysomnography has not been observed in clinical trials with zolpidem tartrate. Next-day residual effects of zolpidem tartrate were evaluated in seven studies involving normal subjects. In three studies in adults (including one study in a phase advance model of transient insomnia) and in one study in elderly subjects, a small but statistically significant decrease in performance was observed in the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) when compared to placebo. Studies of zolpidem tartrate in non-elderly patients with insomnia did not detect evidence of next-day residual effects using the DSST, the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), and patient ratings of alertness. There was no objective (polysomnographic) evidence of rebound insomnia at recommended doses seen in studies evaluating sleep on the nights following discontinuation of zolpidem tartrate. There was subjective evidence of impaired sleep in the elderly on the first post-treatment night at doses of zolpidem tartrate above the recommended elderly dose of 5 mg. Controlled studies in adults utilizing objective measures of memory yielded no consistent evidence of next-day memory impairment following the administration of zolpidem tartrate. However, in one study involving zolpidem doses of 10 and 20 mg, there was a significant decrease in next-morning recall of information presented to subjects during peak drug effect (90 minutes post-dose), i.e., these subjects experienced anterograde amnesia. There was also subjective evidence from adverse event data for anterograde amnesia occurring in association with the administration of zolpidem tartrate, predominantly at doses above 10 mg. In studies that measured the percentage of sleep time spent in each sleep stage, zolpidem tartrate has generally been shown to preserve sleep stages. Sleep time spent in stages 3 and 4 (deep sleep) was found comparable to placebo with only inconsistent, minor changes in REM (paradoxical) sleep at the recommended dose.
Package label
Rx Only    NDC 0037-6050-93 EDLUAR ® 5 mg   CIV Zolpidem Tartrate Sublingual Tablets Each sublingual tablet (to be placed under the tongue) contains 5 mg of zolpidem tartrate, USP. See prescribing information for dosage information. 30 Sublingual Tablets PHARMACIST: Dispense the accompanying Medication Guide to each patient. Store at controlled room temperature 20-25ºC (68-77ºF). Protect from light and moisture. Do not use if blisters are torn, or seal is broken. MX-UC-605093-02 Manufactured for: Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc. Somerset, New Jersey 08873-4120 U.S. Patents 9,265,720; 9,597,281 EDLUAR is a registered trademark of Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc., a Viatris Company. Made in India CODE No.: MH/DRUGS/25/NKD/89 Edluar Sublingual Tablets 5 mg Carton Label

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