
Service d'Oncologie Multidisciplinaire & Innovations Thérapeutiques

3 abstracts

IFCT-2105 lurbiclin real-world effectiveness and treatment sequences in patients (pts) with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) who received lurbinectedin as part of the French Early Access Program (EAP-ATU).
Org: Institut du Thorax Curie Montsouris, Institut Curie, Paris, and UVSQ, Paris Saclay University, Versailles, France, Institut Curie, Saint Cloud, France, Univ Rouen Normandie, CHU Rouen, Inserm CIC-CRB 1404,
Immunologic constant of rejection as a predictive biomarker of immune checkpoint inhibitors efficacy in non-small cell lung cancer.
Org: Aix Marseille University - Assistance Publique Hopitaux De Marseille, APHM, Service d'Oncologie Multidisciplinaire & Innovations Thérapeutiques, Inserm U1308- CAPTuR- Control of cell Activation in Tumor Progression and Therapeutic Resistance, CNRS UMR 5309-INSERM U1209, CRCM,
Clinical benefit of personalized treatment following high throughput sequencing in metastatic melanoma: A national retrospective study.
Org: Dermatology and Skin Cancer Department, AP-HM Marseille, Dermatology Departement, Cochin Hospital, APHP,Université Paris Cité, Paris, France, CHU de Bordeaux, Cochin Hospital,